Knowledgebase > Coffee Machines

How to use your Jura Giga X3 on a daily basis?

Written By Océane Delahaut, last update on

A Javry professional has come to install your new Jura GIGA X3 coffee machine, and now you're alone with your new acquisition. Here are some explanations to help you enjoy good hot beverages every day.

Table of Contents

  1. How to prepare coffee or other drinks (Latte macchiato, cappuccino, or other specialties)?
  2. How to adjust the grinder?
  3. How to fill the water reservoir?
  4. How to fill the coffee bean hopper?
  5. How to properly maintain your coffee machine?

How to prepare a hot beverage?

By default, a selection of products is displayed on the home screen: simply press one of them to prepare the desired drink! :-)

There are other products available. To display them, turn the Rotary Switch. The product in the center of the menu corresponds to the preselected product. Press it or the Rotary Switch to start the preparation. Note: if you don't start a preparation, the rotating menu disappears after 10 seconds.

How to adjust the grinder?

If your machine is leased and belongs to Javry, please do not adjust the grinder setting (unless specifically instructed by us).

If you own the machine, feel free to modify it, of course ;-) You will find all the information to do so on page 28 of your GIGA X3 manual.

How to fill the water reservoir?

Daily maintenance of the machine and hygiene are essential to ensure a consistently perfect result in the cup. That's why you need to change the water daily. Only pour cold water into your machine.

To fill the reservoir:

  1. Open the water reservoir cover;
  2. Remove the water reservoir and rinse it with cold water;
  3. Fill the water reservoir with fresh water and put it back in place;
  4. Close the water reservoir cover.

You may notice that a water filter has already been installed by a Javry professional. When prompted by the home screen of your machine, it's time to place a new filter. 

How to fill the coffee bean hopper?

When your machine no longer has enough coffee beans, it will notify you with a message on the screen. That's when it's time to fill the hopper!

  1. Remove the aroma protection cover,
  2. Remove any impurities or foreign bodies,
  3. Fill the coffee bean container and close the aroma protection cover.

    How to properly maintain your coffee machine?

    To ensure the proper functioning of your coffee machine, follow these steps:

    • Cleaning your coffee machine, which is required every 180 coffees. A message will appear on your machine's screen.
    • Changing the water filter whenever your machine prompts you to do so.
    • Descaling your coffee machine when prompted by your machine (with regular filter changes, this should happen very rarely).

    All these articles are also listed on this summary page and in the manual.

    Does this article not answer your questions?

    Contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you!

    About Javry


    Javry offers an eco-friendly coffee solution at work that boosts productivity and mood of your team.